
Artificial Intelligence and Fraud: An Unstoppable Force?



  • What the least aggressive debt collection method is.
  • How you can reduce the risk of non-payment.
  • How personalized email, text and voice reminders limit lost revenue.
Effective Payment Collection Whitepaper

How automated reminder systems boost your credit management performance



  • What the least aggressive debt collection method is.
  • How you can reduce the risk of non-payment.
  • How personalized email, text and voice reminders limit lost revenue.
Effective Payment Collection Whitepaper

How you can eliminate online payment fraud


  • What the current landscape of payment fraud looks like.
  • Which cross-border and digital-goods transactions are at most risk.
  • How you can combat online fraud through fraud protection, fraud detection, fraud prevention and fraud elimination.
Online Payment Fraud Whitepaper

Self-service in credit management



  • How self-service reduces costs and shortens payment delays
  • Why consumer debt is a problem that requires your immediate attention
  • Why self-service in credit management is good for business
  • Why interactive video is an effective tool in reaching problematic customers
Self-service Whitepaper

How to win loyalty from prepaid customers with automatic top-up



  • What the positive effects are of automatic top-up.
  • How automatic top-up benefits not only you, but your customers as well.
  • What types of automatic top-up there are.
  • How to design an effective automatic top-up plan.
Automatic Top-up Whitepaper

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Scheepmakerspassage 183
3011 VH Rotterdam
The Netherlands


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